SOA Health Meeting 2025: Your Gateway to Continuing Education and Networking
By David Stoddard
Health Watch, March 2025
Attention health actuaries! The Society of Actuaries (SOA) annual Health Meeting is set to be held June 22–25, 2025, at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel in Dallas, Texas. The SOA is also offering a virtual option to be held from July 22–24 for those who cannot attend in person or would like to earn even more continuing education credits. The meetings promise to connect you with more than a thousand of your closest actuary friends, offering ample networking opportunities and exciting, cutting-edge educational presentations.
As in previous years, the in-person meeting will offer more than 75 breakout sessions (the virtual meeting will offer more than 30), with presentations covering a wide variety of topics and formats. Attendees can select a schedule that suits their particular needs. Interested in designing a slate of sessions that focuses mainly on your specific area of practice? We’ve got you covered! Are you looking to take advantage of being around various industry experts and learning about as many different topics as possible? You can do that too!
In addition to breakout sessions, both meetings will feature at least one keynote speaker and multiple general sessions to address professionalism and bias topics. The combination of general sessions and breakout sessions will offer at least 15 hours of continuing education (more than half of the required annual amount) at the in-person meeting and about 12 hours at the virtual meeting. Furthermore, both meetings will allow attendees to network with colleagues, providing opportunities to meet new people and reconnect with old friends.
Sessions are expected to be 60 minutes in length, and presenters represent diversity of thought, including new perspectives, distinctive processes and various types of companies.
We anticipate registration opening the week of March 10. Attendees can register all the way through the start of the event, but registering early allows you to plan your agenda in advance—whether you want to follow a designated topic track or sit in on a wide variety of subjects. Early registration also comes at a discounted price.
The SOA Health Meeting will be one of the premier events for health actuaries. Be on the lookout for an email in March when registration opens. We look forward to seeing you in June and July for what promises to be a can’t miss affair!
Statements of fact and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily those of the Society of Actuaries, the editors, or the respective authors’ employers.
David Stoddard, FSA, MAAA, is the director of Health and Benefits at WTW. David can be reached at