Announcement: SOA congratulates the new FSAs for March 2025.

Segmenting the Middle Market: Retirement Risks and Solutions–Phase 2 Report

Research Projects–Pension

The Society of Actuaries' Committee on Post Retirement Needs and Risks is pleased to make available the Phase 2 report of this two-phase effort. Phase 2 identifies basic issues and potential solutions that are important as mid-level net worth households in or near retirement address the financial risks they face in contemplating retirement. It includes 12 user-friendly reference profiles of the pre-retirees and retirees identified in Phase 1.

The report, authored by Noel Abkemeier of Milliman, is a follow-up to the Phase 1 report that defined relevant consumer segments among middle-income / mid-level net worth households. The Phase 1 report can be accessed by clicking on this link: Phase 1.


Segmenting the Middle Market: Retirement Risks and Solutions – Phase II Report

Thank You

The SOA's Committee on Post Retirement Needs and Risks would like to thank the following members of the project oversight group for their review and support of the project:

  • Carol Bogosian, Chair
  • Steve Cooperstein
  • Betty Meredith
  • Anna Rappaport
  • Zenaida Samaniego
  • Steve Vernon
  • Steven Siegel, SOA Research Actuary

Questions Or Comments?

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