Announcement: SOA congratulates the new FSAs for March 2025.

U.S. Post-Level Term Lapse and Mortality Experience Report


Scor: Aisling Bradfield, Carolyn Covington, Rebecca Reppert, Julien Tomas


Term Life insurance is a popular product in the U.S. As a growing number of policyholders have been reaching the end of the level term period, the SOA has been committed to studying policyholder behavior in the post-level term (PLT). Shock lapse, post-level term lapse and mortality have previously been analyzed in SOA PLT studies conducted in 2010 and 2014. This study provides an update of experience and some valuable new insights.

We have provided the main report summarizing the results below. In addition, there are links to online Tableau dashboards that allow users to do some of their own data analyses. There are separate dashboards for the post-level term lapse and mortality analyses.  

Within the next 2 months we will also be publishing a more detailed report regarding the predictive analytic approaches that were used, and we will also provide additional Tableau dashboards related to the predictive analytics research.   


U.S. Post-Level Term Lapse and Mortality Experience Report

Tableau dashboards – Lapse

Tableau dashboards - Mortality


The authors would again like to extend our thanks to all the participating companies for making this project a success. Without your support, such research projects would not be possible. Your contributions have led to a new industry benchmark of experience results for term shock lapse rates and mortality rates beyond the level premium period.

We would like to thank the SOA as well as the following members of the Project Oversight Group (POG) for their guidance and support on this research project. Their comments, feedback, and direction have greatly improved the value of this project.

Project Oversight Group

Brian Carteaux, FSA, MAAA [Chair]
Donna Megregian, FSA, MAAA
Larry Bruning, FSA, MAAA
Tony Phipps, FSA, MAAA
Jeff Dukes, MAAA
Mark Rosa, ASA, MAAA
Brian Holland, FSA, MAAA
Mary Simmons, FSA, MAAA

Mervyn Kopinsky
Cynthia MacDonald
Korrel Crawford

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