Announcement: SOA congratulates the new FSAs for March 2025.

Auto Loss Cost Trends

September 2018

In the latter half of 2013, personal auto insurance carriers began to notice an uptick in property damage liability and collision frequency. This marked the beginning of a new increasing frequency trend bucking over 25 years of falling crash rates. In response, industry partners banded together to analyze these trends. Using publicly available data from the Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Census Bureau, and other sources, an analysis group is searching for explanatory variables. These materials are an update to the report previously published in January 2018.


Auto Loss Cost Drivers - Physical Damage
Auto Loss Cost Drivers - Liability
Auto Loss Cost Trends Q4 2017
Q4 2017 Trend Analysis.html

January 2018

This report provides an analytical basis for discussion and understanding for regulators, legislators, and the general public about national trends and state specific factors that may be driving the auto insurance loss costs, which ultimately impact premiums and the consumer.


Auto Loss Cost Trends Report



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