Announcement: SOA congratulates the new FSAs for March 2025.

Social Media Analysis of Catastrophic Responses: Twitter Data Analysis of Tornadoes

The Society of Actuaries is pleased to make available a research report that studies the social media response to three extreme tornado outbreaks in the Midwest United States. The study examines Twitter data within a 14-day period for each event with a focus on the 24-hour period surrounding each event. The report includes an analysis of the data, the magnitude of the data as the events unfold, and who is generating the data.

The SOA greatly appreciates the work of Kailan Shang for the extensive data analysis undertaken for this effort. The report summarizing the findings was authored by Kailan Shang, R. Dale Hall, and Steven Siegel.


Social Media Analysis of Catastrophic Responses: Twitter Data Analysis of Tornadoes


If you have any questions or comments regarding the report, please contact Dale Hall at or Steve Siegel at