Announcement: SOA congratulates the new FSAs for March 2025.

Sustained Low Interest Rate Environment: Can it Continue? Why It Matters

The Casualty Actuarial Society, Canadian Institute of Actuaries, and the Society of Actuaries' Joint Risk Management Section is pleased to make available a research report describing the impact on insurers and products when interest rates remain low for an extended period of time. The report also describes strategies for addressing this scenario. The report was authored by Max Rudolph.


Sustained Low Interest Rate Environment: Can it Continue? Why it Matters


If you have any questions or comments regarding the report, please contact Steve Siegel, Research Actuary at

Thank You

The Joint Risk Management Section would like to thank the following individuals for their input and review:

Wei Hao
Tom Herget
John Hubenschmidt
Dean Nelson
Scott Orr
Rich Owens
Dennis Radliff
Robert Reitano
Howard Rosen
Gregory Slone
Steve Siegel, Research Actuary
Barbara Scott, Research Administrator