Announcement: SOA congratulates the new FSAs for March 2025.

A Study of International Solvency Regimes

Research Projects – Risk Management


The Casualty Actuarial Society, Canadian Institute of Actuaries, and the Society of Actuaries' Joint Risk Management Section is pleased to make available two research reports that explore solvency regulation. In "A Comparative Analysis of U.S., Canadian and Solvency II Capital Adequacy Requirements in Life Insurance," some of the more important differences among the current U.S. and Canadian regulatory regimes, and the proposed EU Solvency II standard formula are explained. It includes illustrative regulatory capital calculations for a hypothetical 30-year non-renewable term life insurance portfolio.

In "Regulatory Capital Standards for Property and Casualty Insurers under the U.S., Canadian and Proposed Solvency II (Standard) Formulas," the main elements of each of the current U.S., Canadian and proposed Solvency II Standard formula regulatory capital regimes for property and casualty insurance companies are compared.

Both reports were written by Ishmael Sharara, Mary Hardy, and David Saunders of the University of Waterloo.


A Comparative Analysis of U.S., Canadian and Solvency II Capital Adequacy Requirements in Life Insurance

Regulatory Capital Standards for Property and Casualty Insurers under the U.S., Canadian and Proposed Solvency II Standard Formulas

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