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Adequacy of Bond Supply and Cost of Pension Benefits: A Financial Economics Perspective

Research Projects – Pension

The following paper, authored by Julia Xiao and Yingbin Xiao, was the result of an invitation by the SOA's Pension Section Research Committee (PSRC) to explore the adequacy of the current and future supplies of high-quality long-term bonds in Canada, the U.S., and other countries to meet the future needs and obligations of defined benefit retirement systems.


Adequacy of Bond Supply and Cost of Pension Benefits: A Financial Economics Perspective

Thank You

The PSRC would like to thank those who reviewed the paper:

  • Robert Brown
  • Jeremy Gold
  • Eric Keener
  • Andrew Wozniak

Statements of fact and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily those of the Society of Actuaries or its officers, directors, staff or representatives.

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