2024 Spotlight Societal Purpose Award Recipients
2024 Societal Purpose Member Award
Ken Beckman, ASA, MAAA, ACAS
Actuary, INS Consultants Inc.
Ken co-founded Lifestyle Health Alliance, a nonprofit organization that provides information, resources and community events to help prevent and reverse chronic disease and improve well-being by educating the local community on healthy nutrition and lifestyle choices. Additionally, these events are free and have been attended by thousands of community members. For the past six years, Ken has given a tremendous amount of his time and efforts to Lifestyle Health Alliance. In addition to his leadership skills, he applies his actuarial experience in fulfilling the organization’s mission to help community members live healthier lives. Ken’s efforts create a perfect example of how actuaries can use their skills to improve the larger society.
Mike McLaughlin, FSA, FIA, MAAA, CERA
Secretary/Treasurer, Trees That Feed Foundation
Mike, past President of the SOA (2009–2010), is the founder of the Trees That Feed Foundation (TTFF), which educates communities about the nutritional benefits of breadfruit and trains farmers on sustainable agricultural practices for cultivating breadfruit trees. TTFF’s efforts not only increase food security but also empower individuals and communities to become self-reliant and economically independent. By focusing on breadfruit, TTFF also promotes environmental stewardship. TTFF uses actuarial skills to analyze factors such as climate conditions and soil quality to help ensure the sustainability of breadfruit plantings and positive outcomes for the community. As founder, Mike demonstrates exceptional leadership in leveraging actuarial expertise to bring tangible benefits to people, ultimately transforming societal outcomes in 25 countries.
Nazir Valani, FSA, FCIA, MAAA
President and Co-Founder, Valani Global
Nazir has a long history of applying his leadership experience and actuarial skills to meet local and global needs. For example, in his home city, Nazir served as Chair of the Board of Directors for Hospice Toronto, and he has developed a sponsorship program for actuarial students in Ghana. Additionally, in Toronto, Nazir is Board member and Chair of the Governance Committee for The Neighborhood Organization, a community-based agency providing a range of services, and he is a founding member of the Aga Khan Museum, which exhibits Islamic art. Nazir is also an active SOA volunteer and served on the Board. In all he does, Nazir offers leadership, compassion and purpose and represents the best of the actuarial profession.
2024 Societal Purpose Company Award
BADRI Management Consultancy
BADRI has made phenomenal efforts to advance and grow the actuarial industry in the Middle East and other regions. It collaborated with the SOA to organize The BADRI Strategy Clash ActuMinds, an inter-university case study competition in Pakistan and has established a scholarship program to reward outstanding actuarial students. The organization seeks to nurture talent, foster innovation and contribute to the growth and development of the actuarial community. BADRI’s internship program offers students and recent graduates the opportunity to gain practical experience, and the interns are mentored by industry experts. BADRI also has been integral in organizing and sponsoring regional actuarial conferences, including the SOA Regional Symposium in Saudi Arabia in 2023, to share insights and open dialogue among industry stakeholders. BADRIs support of students, candidates and practicing actuaries is crucial in growing the profession in the region by revealing it as an attractive career choice.