The Society of Actuaries Research Institute’s Mortality & Longevity Strategic Research Program includes a wide array of actuarial research, surveys, papers and experience studies. Topics include population mortality, socioeconomic drivers of longevity, mortality predictions and mortality improvement.
Mortality & Longevity Strategic Research
The SOA Strategic Research Programs emphasize the skillset and thought leadership of actuaries, and help provide insights to members, stakeholders, and the public on socially relevant topics.
Mortality & Longevity Strategic Research
Check out the Latest
U.S. Population Mortality Observations – Updated with 2022 Experience
Impact of COVID-19 and Other Causes of Death on Future U.S. Mortality
Pub-2016 Public Retirement plans Mortality Tables - Exposure Draft
Impact of Data Limitations on Statistical Reliability of Mortality Improvement Rate Estimates
SOA Research Institute on GitHub
Visit the SOA Research Institute’s GitHub overview page to access repositories for code from research projects. The SOA’s general GitHub page is also available.
Impactful Research

Mortality and Race and Ethnicity in the United States
This survey of existing literature can be used by actuaries as an aid in modeling possible mortality differentials when considering full U.S. population analysis.
Modeling and Forecasting Premature Cardiovascular Mortality
Learn about the role of obesity and education in modeling cardiovascular mortality.
Living to 100

Peruse the vast body of research focused on addressing potential needs and services of future advanced-age populations.
Long-Term Drivers of Future Mortality – A Podcast Series with Al Klein and Erik Pickett
Tune in to our Bonus Episode – Interview with Yair Babad as he shares his expertise on mortality, morbidity, and the evolving role of actuaries.
Experience Studies Pro: Industry-Wide Experience Reports
Learn more about the new studies:
Experience Studies
Access all Life and Annuities Experience Studies.