Candidates for 2020 SOA Board of Directors Election Announced
The SOA Board of Directors approved the 2020 election ballot of endorsed candidates presented by the SOA Nominating Committee at its June meeting. Voting will open August 17 and close September 4. Read the candidates’ bios and find out how they plan to approach their service on the SOA board.
The names of the SOA 2020 Board of Directors’ endorsed candidates follow in alphabetical order.
Endorsed Candidates for President-Elect (one to be elected) are:

Jennifer L. Gillespie, FSA 2000, MAAA
Woodbury, Minnesota
Questionnaire | Candidate Page
David K. Sandberg, FSA 2001, MAAA, CERA, FCA
Charles Rivers Associates
Risk & Regulatory Consulting
SDRefinery AI
Questionnaire | Candidate Page
Final Candidates for Elected Board Member (five to be elected) are:

Arpita Das, FSA 2013, FSAI 2016 (Endorsed)
Senior Actuary
Allianz Partners
Dublin, Ireland
Questionnaire | Candidate Page
Josée Deroy, FSA 1998, MAAA, CFA (Endorsed)
Founder & CEO
Savvvy Services Inc
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Questionnaire | Candidate Page
Cynthia T. Edwalds, FSA 1991, ACAS, MAAA (Endorsed)
Clinical Professor
DePaul University
Chicago, Illinois
Questionnaire | Candidate Page

Patricia J. Fay, FSA 1994, MAAA (Endorsed)
Workplace Transformation Lead
Enfield, Connecticut
Questionnaire | Candidate Page
Amanda Hug, FSA 2013, MAAA (Endorsed)
Chief of Staff to the Chief Financial Officer
Boston, MA
Questionnaire | Candidate Page

Ronald L. Klein FSA 1987, MAAA (Endorsed),
Executive Director
Bermuda International Long Term Employers and Reinsurers (BILTIR)
Hamilton, Bermuda
Questionnaire | Candidate Page

Terry M. Long, FSA 1981, MAAA (Endorsed)
Senior Vice President & Principal
Lewis & Ellis, Inc.
Overland Park, KS
Questionnaire | Candidate Page

Nazir Valani FSA 2001, FCIA, MAAA (Endorsed)
President & Co-Founder
Valani Global
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Questionnaire | Candidate Page

Hans Wagner, FSA 1992, FASHK (Endorsed)
Mission Director
Paris, France
Questionnaire | Candidate Page

Ying Zhao, FSA 2006, MAAA, FRM (Endorsed)
Senior Manager, Insurance and Actuarial Advisory Services (IAAS)
Ernst & Young LLP
Chicago, IL
Questionnaire | Candidate Page

James Berger FSA 2002, MAAA (by Petition)
Senior Actuary
GE Capital
Overland Park KS
Questionnaire | Candidate Page

John Dark FSA 1979, FCIA (by Petition)
Actuary, Business Opportunities
Co-operators Life Insurance Company
Regina Saskatchewan Canada
Questionnaire | Candidate Page

Roger Loomis FSA 2007, MAAA (by Petition)
Actuarial Resources Corporation
Overland Park KS
Questionnaire | Candidate Page
Society of Actuaries Nominating Committee
Elaine T. Corrough, FSA, MAAA, FCA, Chair
Paula M. Hodges, FSA, MAAA, Vice Chair
Kara L. Clark, FSA, MAAA
Karen DeToro, FSA, MAAA
C. Ian Genno, FSA, CERA, FCIA
Brian Pauley, FSA, MAAA
Scott K. Randles, FSA, MAAA
Michael B. Smith, FSA, MAAA, FCAS
Thomas Totten, FSA, PhD