CPD Requirement

The Society of Actuaries (SOA) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Requirement applies to all members of the SOA. Members must meet the requirements of Section B, or one of the four alternative compliance methods.  

Members of the Society of Actuaries (SOA) must attest to meet the SOA Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirement.

  • Members must attest each year that they've complied with the requirements. These requirements cover the previous two calendar years.
  • Compliance is disclosed in the joint Directory of Actuarial Memberships.
  • While requirement is not mandatory, members who don't complete it are considered "non-compliant." They must disclose non-compliance to those who rely on their actuarial expertise.
  • New members are compliant by default in the first year of earning the credential. They'll collect their CPD and attest in two years, listing those previous years.

Compliance Methods

SOA members can fulfill the SOA CPD requirement using one of the following five methods:

  1. The Basic Requirement provisions of the SOA Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirement found in Section B
  2. The continuing education requirements of the U.S. Qualification Standard
  3. The continuing education requirements of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) Qualification Standard
  4. The continuing education requirements of Category 1 or 2 of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (United Kingdom) UKAP CPD Standard
  5. The continuing education requirements of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia Continuing Professional Development Standard

QUICK TIP: Manage your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits with the SOA CPD Tracker. It's a free tool available online.

CPD Attestation Cycle

Item Date Status
In-reporting cycle Nov. 1–March 1 Online attestation–open
CPD reset from in-reporting to non-compliant March 2    

How to Attest Compliance Online

  1. Log in to My SOA.
  2. Once logged in, your SOA profile will display.
  3. Click the My Professional Development heading.
  4. Scroll down to your Continuing Professional Development section and click SOA CPD Status.
  5. The page, SOA CPD Attestation, will display your compliance status.
  6. Click on the Update Info button.
  7. Click the button that applies to your compliance status.
    1. If you click the first button certifying that you've fulfilled the requirement, you must click on the button(s) that identifies your method of compliance.
    2. Or, click the last button certifying that you haven't fulfilled the SOA CPD requirement.
  8. Finally, click Save. The change will take 24 hours to reflect within the Directory of Actuarial Memberships.

If you need a hard copy of attestation for your employer or your records, click the “Printer Friendly Version Current Attestation” button.

To attest for a prior cycle that is no longer open, please submit this attestation form.


SOA CPD requirement


Disclosure of compliance status

Tracking credits:

Credit Table Exams

CPD Tracker

Professional development from other organizations:

U.S. Qualification Standards

Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) Professional Development Requirement

Enrolled Actuary (EA) Credit

Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries

Joint Board Regulations FAQs