SOA Terms and Conditions Agreement for Online Candidates
Updated: 1/28/25
1. Introduction
This Terms and Conditions (“T&Cs”) document applies to all users accessing online education content and tools offered by the Society of Actuaries (“SOA”). This includes, but is not limited to:
- Education Content: Associate of the Society of Actuaries (“ASA”) and Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (“FSA”) modules and the Advanced Topics in Predictive Analytics (ATPA) Assessment.
- Professional Development (PD) Content: e-Courses, Professional Development Edge (PDE), PDE+, and certificate programs.
- Explorer and Learning Companion: Tools designed for user engagement and collaboration.
By purchasing or accessing SOA content, participants agree to comply with these T&Cs.
2. Definitions
- User/Participant/Candidate: Any individual registering for or accessing SOA content.
- Content: Educational or professional development material, including courses, modules, and assessments.
- Platform: The online systems (e.g., SOA’s Learning Management System, where content is hosted.
- Explorer: A tool for candidate interaction and information sharing.
- Learning Companion: An application for real-time engagement among e-Learning candidates.
3. Access and Use of Content
Users are granted a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to access content for personal use. All materials provided by SOA, including assessments, are for the sole use of Users and may not be shared or distributed without written permission from SOA. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of content is prohibited.
4. e-Learning Course Policy
Users accessing any SOA content must attest agreeing to these T&Cs. Any submission (e.g., assessment) will be checked for plagiarism or improper collaboration at any time, even after completion of the course. Users are responsible for ensuring that their work is original and in compliance with SOA standards. By using the Learning Companion and Explorer, users agree to abide by the SOA Learning Companion Terms and Conditions and Explorer Terms.
5. Plagiarism, Collusion, and Collaboration
Plagiarism and collusion are forms of cheating and are strictly prohibited. The SOA uses the following definitions from Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition:
- Plagiarism: is “to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own: use (a created production) without crediting the source: to commit literary theft: present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.”
- Collusion: is a “secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose.”
- Collaboration is defined as “to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor.”
While collaboration is permitted in certain cases e.g., FAP End-of-Module Assessments, it is limited to discussions of general concepts. Work submitted must be the result of individual effort, and sharing or distributing submissions in any form is prohibited.
For Final Assessments, limited collaboration is allowed with individuals who have taken the assessment or will not take it in the future. Users may discuss concepts and strategies but cannot share specific responses or confirm calculations. A User’s submission must be their own work.
6. Control of Work Product
Failing to secure your work product may result in your work being plagiarized by other candidates. You are required to maintain control of your work product by not giving copies of your work to others or placing your work on a network drive, a shared computer, a supervisor’s computer, etc. In cases where plagiarism has occurred in this manner the owner of the work product will be subject to disciplinary action in addition to the candidate(s) who unlawfully obtained the work product.
Tips for securing your work product are listed below.
- Password protect your work documents during development (remove password prior to submission and replace it after submission)
- Do not save your files to a public or network drive
- Avoid printing out work files on a shared printer
- Maintain control of and secure portable storage devices (flash drives, etc.)
- Do not provide study partners or others with copies of your work
- Avoid working on your files through public Wi-Fi without appropriate security measures, such as a virtual private network (VPN) connection.
7. Improper Conduct
Regarding the use of material from published sources, the SOA permits the incorporation of ideas from legitimate published sources without citation, provided they are appropriately integrated into a User’s response and not merely copied verbatim. Any language or information directly quoted from a published source must be enclosed in quotation marks and properly cited within the relevant paragraph. No assessment can be effectively completed using a "cut-and-paste" approach.
Examples of Improper Conduct (not an exhaustive list):
- Presenting false information on the course or assessment applications.
- Submitting unrelated documents in place of the required End-of-Module Exercises, assessments, or projects.
- Language or information that is included in a submission that is generated from artificial intelligence such as a chatbot (e.g., ChatGPT) is not allowed.
- Purchasing or selling (or attempting to purchase or sell) any information or materials related to the SOA e-Learning courses.
- Submitting any false, fraudulent, or misleading documentation.
- Attempting to engage or engaging in any improper conduct.
- Posting or transmitting any information or software that contains a virus, Trojan horse, worm, or other disabling device or harmful component.
- Engaging in any inappropriate conduct when participating in or using Learning Companion or Explorer.
- Gaining access to the SOA e-Learning system prior to course registration.
- Plagiarizing, improperly collaborating and/or colluding on the PAF and ASF End-of-Module Assessment(s), FAP End-of-Module Assessment(s), or FSA End-of-Module Exercise(s) submissions, FAP Final Assessment, Decision Making and Communication (DMAC) Assignment, or ATPA Assessment, or copying, or using another person’s work, whether done online, in person, or otherwise.
- Use of language or information that has been copied from or relied upon from any SOA model solution (including earlier versions of the assignment), any other candidate submission, or a solution prepared by another party.
- Copying from a source without proper citation.
- Gaining access to FSA End-of-Module Exercise model solutions prior to submission.
- Failing to secure work documents (e.g., storing your files on a publicly accessible network).
- Discussing or consulting other persons regarding the PAF, ASF and FAP End-of-Module Assessments, whether done online, in person, or otherwise.
- Gaining access to the e-Learning system using another candidate’s user ID and password.
- Providing your e-Learning system user ID and password to another candidate.
- Taking the PAF, ASF, FAP, or FSA modules, FSA End-of-Module Exercises, PAF, ASF or FAP End-of-Module Assessment(s), FAP Final Assessment, DMAC Assignment, ATPA Assessment, or Predictive Analytics modules for another candidate or arranging for or permitting another person to take the course.
- Disclosing, publishing, or posting the contents of any exercise, assessment, or model solution.
8. Intellectual Property Rights
All content, including course materials and assessments, are the property of SOA or third parties used with permission. These materials may only be used for personal educational purposes. Unauthorized sharing, modification, or distribution is strictly forbidden, and all intellectual property rights are reserved by SOA.
9. System Access and Security
Users agree not to use any automated tools (e.g., robots, spiders) to access SOA platforms or circumvent security measures. Users must not take any action that compromises system security, overloads the platform, or disrupts service for other users.
10. Assessments and Submissions
Specific rules apply to different assessments (e.g., End-of-Module Assessments, FAP Final Assessment, ATPA). These include time limits for completion, restrictions on collaboration, and prohibited conduct such as sharing answers or using unauthorized materials. Failing to meet these requirements may result in disqualification, a failing grade, or disciplinary action.
11. Refund and Cancellation Policy
Refunds will not be issued once users have logged into the course or system. Exceptions may be made for technical issues preventing access. Refund requests must be submitted in writing before accessing the course and may incur a cancellation fee.
12. Disciplinary Action for Violations
Any violation of these T&Cs, including cheating, plagiarism, or unauthorized use of content, may result in disciplinary action. This includes potential disqualification from SOA exams, courses, or modules, and may extend to revoking designations (ASA, FSA) earned under false pretenses. More information on SOA’s disciplinary procedures can be located under the Discipline Section on SOA's Education Page. Users may report a possible rule infraction or improper conduct by another user by submitting an Infraction Report Form to the SOA.
13. Responsibility for Loss and Indemnification
Users agree to indemnify and hold SOA harmless from any liability, claims, or losses arising from their actions in connection with using SOA platforms or content. SOA is not responsible for any damages resulting from system access issues or inaccuracies in course materials.
14. SOA Disclaimer and Rights
SOA does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of third-party content, references, or links provided within its content. The views expressed by contributors are their own and do not represent SOA.
15. Agreement to Terms and Updates
By accessing SOA content, Users agree to these T&Cs and any updates that may be made. SOA reserves the right to modify these terms at any time, and users will be notified of significant changes. Continued use of SOA platforms constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.
16. Governing Law
These T&Cs are governed by the laws of the state of Illinois without regard to its conflict of law principles.
17. Attestation
SOA may deny access to any individual who does not agree to or comply with these T&Cs. Questions or complaints about violations should be directed to